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4 Biswa equal measuring square yards

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Q: How do you convert biswa and biswansi into sq yards?
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Related questions

How many yards are in 2550 sq ft?

You cannot convert sq ft into yards, you must convert sq ft into sq yards. There are 9 sq feet in 1 sq yard so there are 283.33 sq yards in 2550 sq ft.

How many marla in one biswa in Punjab?

<p>1 marla = 9 Sq karams (272.25 sq ft) and 1 biswa = 15 Sq karams OR 3 biswa= 5 marla OR 1 biswa= 1.66 marla<p>

How many sq meter in one biswa?

Apparently one biswa is 125 sq. meters, although the biswa appears to differ considerable in different Indian provinces.

How much is sq ft in yards?

You can't convert that. You can convert feet to yards, or square feet to square yards.

How do you convert length and width in feet into square yards?

Divide length by 3 (convert feet into yards), divide width by 3 (convert feet into yards) and multiply the results. or Multiply length (in feet) by width (in feet) to the area (in sq feet) and divide by 9 (convert sq feet to sq yards).

Convert sq feet into sq yards?

Divide the number of square feet by 9 to get square yards.

How many yards are in 1920 sq ft?

Divide by 9 to convert from sq feet to sq yards. Doing the math gives an answer of 213.33 square yards.

Convert 88 square yards to square meters?

88 sq yards = 73.58 sq metres, approx.

How many biswa in one meter?

Apparently one biswa is 125 sq. meters, although the biswa appears to differ considerable in different Indian provinces.

How do you convert 100square yards into meters?

Formula: square yards x 0.83612736 = square meters. (100 (sq. yards) = 83.612736 sq. meters)

How do you convert sq meters to sq yards?

Easy to do. There are 1.2 square yards in each square meter, so:square meters x 1.2 = square yards

Convert 560 sq ft to sq yards?

560 (sq feet) = 62.2222222 sq yards