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work out the cubic feet of your object (height x depth x breadth). Then to convert cubic feet to square feet, divide by the height in feet

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Q: How do you convert depths height and breadth to square feet?
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What are 2 and 3 dimensional figures?

A point is 0-dimensional ... it has no length, breadth or height. A line is 1-demensional ... it has length, but no breadth or height. A square, circle, triangle etc is 2-dimensional ... each of them have length and breadth, but no height A cube, cylinder, sphere etc is 3-dimensional ... each of them have lenght, breadth and height.

What is the surface area formulas for prisms?

Surface Areas of Prisms Cube: 6 x breadth x Height Triangular Prism: (Breadth x Height) + (3 x Length x Breadth) Square Pyramid: (2 x Breadth x Height) + (Breadth x Breadth) Cylinder: (2 x Pi x radius x Length) + (2 x Pi x Radius x Radius) Cone: (Pi x Radius x Height) + (Pi x Radius x Radius) Sphere: Pi x Radius x Radius x 4 By Austin from a Christian school in Belrose, NSW

What is the area of square shape?

The area of any rectangular shape, including the square, is the length times the breadth. Area = length x breadth

How do you find breadth using perimeter and length?

If the shape is a rectangle (or square), then Perimeter = 2*(Length + Breadth) So Breadth = Perimeter/2 - Length

General formula for the volume of all prisms?

Volume of a Cube Length x Breadth x Height Volume of a Triangular Prism (Length x Breadth x Height) divided by 2 Volume of a Square Pyramid (Length x Breadth x Height) divided by 3 Volume of a Cylinder (Pi x Radius x Radius x Length) Volume of a Cone (Pi x Radius x Radius x Height) divided by 3 Volume of a Sphere (Pi x Radius x Radius x Radius x 4) divided by 3 -----=-----=-----=-----=-----=-----=-----=-----=-----=-----=-----= By Austin From Covenant Christian School

Related questions

How can i find the Volume of a square tank?

multiply its height,breadth and length

How do you figure square footage of an area from total perimeter?

Triangle Area = ½base × height Square Area = length of side to the power of 2 Rectangle Area = breadth × height Parallelogram Area = breadth × height Circle Area = πrto the power of 2

Conversion of square meter from width breadth height?

The surface area A of a rectangular block with width = W , height = H , breadth = B is 2 * ((W * H) + (W * B) + (H * B)) = A All measurements must be in the same units *meters if you want square meters as unit for the answer) If you are measuring in feet, convert square feet to square meters (multiply sq ft by 0,0929 for a conversion accurate to three decimal places).

How do you find the square footage of a 9' by 9' room?

Area of rectangle = Length x Breadth = 9x 9= 81sq feet Acc. to me a room has three dimensions length, breadth and height. If you know the area of the woom and length and breadth you can find height.

How do you calculate out square feet?

Length (in feet) x breadth (in feet) = square feet.Alternatively if you have the amount in square meters then multiply by 10.76 to convert it to square feet.

What are 2 and 3 dimensional figures?

A point is 0-dimensional ... it has no length, breadth or height. A line is 1-demensional ... it has length, but no breadth or height. A square, circle, triangle etc is 2-dimensional ... each of them have length and breadth, but no height A cube, cylinder, sphere etc is 3-dimensional ... each of them have lenght, breadth and height.

How do you calculate surface area for a prism?

Surface Areas of Prisms Cube: 6 x breadth x Height Triangular Prism: (Breadth x Height) + (3 x Length x Breadth) Square Pyramid: (2 x Breadth x Height) + (Breadth x Breadth) Cylinder: (2 x Pi x radius x Length) + (2 x Pi x Radius x Radius) Cone: (Pi x Radius x Height) + (Pi x Radius x Radius) Sphere: Pi x Radius x Radius x 4 By Austin from a Christian school in Belrose

How do you get the surface area of a prism?

Surface Areas of Prisms Cube: 6 x breadth x Height Triangular Prism: (Breadth x Height) + (3 x Length x Breadth) Square Pyramid: (2 x Breadth x Height) + (Breadth x Breadth) Cylinder: (2 x Pi x radius x Length) + (2 x Pi x Radius x Radius) Cone: (Pi x Radius x Height) + (Pi x Radius x Radius) Sphere: Pi x Radius x Radius x 4 By Austin from a Christian school in Belrose

How do you find the cubic inches in a box that is not square?

If it is a rectangular box, then volume = length*breadth*height, where each is measured in inches. If it is a cylindrical box, then pi*radius2*height, where the radius and height are measured in inches.

What is the surface area formulas for prisms?

Surface Areas of Prisms Cube: 6 x breadth x Height Triangular Prism: (Breadth x Height) + (3 x Length x Breadth) Square Pyramid: (2 x Breadth x Height) + (Breadth x Breadth) Cylinder: (2 x Pi x radius x Length) + (2 x Pi x Radius x Radius) Cone: (Pi x Radius x Height) + (Pi x Radius x Radius) Sphere: Pi x Radius x Radius x 4 By Austin from a Christian school in Belrose, NSW

If the height of a rectangle is 8 mm and the breadth is 2.5 cm what is the area of the rectangle in square centimeters?

2 sqr.cmsAnother answer:8 mm = 0.8 cm0.8*2.5 = 2 square centimeters

How do you find the breadth of a square?

The breadth of a square is typically referred to as the length of one of its sides, as all sides of a square are equal in length. To find the breadth of a square, you simply measure the length of one of its sides using a ruler or measuring tape. Alternatively, if you know the area or perimeter of the square, you can use mathematical formulas to calculate the length of its sides.