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If the shape is a rectangle (or square), then Perimeter = 2*(Length + Breadth)

So Breadth = Perimeter/2 - Length

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Q: How do you find breadth using perimeter and length?
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How do you find area and length of a rectangle if perimeter and breadth is given?

2(length+breadth)=Perimetre Length= (Perimetre/2)-Breadth Area=Length x breadth

If you know the perimeter how do you find the area?

Perimeter equals to 2 times the length plus 2 times the breadth. Area equals to length multiply by breadth

What is the formula to to find length and breadth if the perimeter is given?

l = Length W = breadth or width perimeter = 2 x (L+W) = 2L + 2W

How do you find length of a rectangle when breadth and perimeter are given?

Let the length be x: 2*x = perimeter-(2*breadth) Then divide both sides by 2 to find the vallue of x

Write a C program to find the area and perimeter of you square ii rectangle?

#include<stdio.h> void main() { float length, breadth, area, perimeter; printf("Enter the length & breadth of a Rectangle\n(length breadth): "); scanf("%f %f",&length,&breadth); area=length*breadth; perimeter=2*(length+breadth); printf(" Area of the Rectangle=%0.3f\n",area); printf("Perimeter of the Rectangle=%0.3f\n",perimeter); printf("(Press ENTER to exit.)"); getch(); printf("\n"); }

Why do we use perimeter?

We use perimeter to measure the length and breadth so that we can easily find out the measurement of a figure

How do you find the length and breadth with only the area and perimeter?

let the length be 'x' and the breadth be 'y' then area = xy and perimeter = 2x+2y Solve the simultaneous linear equations by given area and perimeter. Regards, A Pakistani!

How to find the breadth of a rectangle whose perimeter is 140m and length is 40m?


How do you find the perimeter of a page the length 25 and breadth 22?

Perimeter = 25 + 25 + 22 + 22 = 94

How do you find the perimeter of a rectangle?

you multiply the length by two then you multiply the width by two and then add the two answers 2l+2w

The perimeter of a swimming pool is 96m the width is 3m more than half the length of the pool find the length and breadth?

length = 30m width = 18m

How do yo find the width of a rectangle if the perimeter is 334 and the length is 96?

we have the formula to find perimeter of the rectangle i.e. perimeter = 2(l+b) where l = length b = breadth substitute l=96 and perimeter = 334,we get 334 = 2(96+b) 334/2=96+b, 167 = 96 + b b = 167-96 =71. b = breadth of the given rectangle is 71.