A foot is a measure of dimension or distance. A pound is a measure of weight. They don't covert into eachother. Are you perhaps confusing them with foot-pounds which is a measure of torque?
To convert cubits to feet you need to multiply the origin by 1.4999999999999982
Divide length by 3 (convert feet into yards), divide width by 3 (convert feet into yards) and multiply the results. or Multiply length (in feet) by width (in feet) to the area (in sq feet) and divide by 9 (convert sq feet to sq yards).
To convert square feet to square yards divide by 27.
You want to convert an area into a length or distance. That is not possible.
You want to convert a length or distance into an area. That is not possible.
Lbs (pounds) are a unit of weight. Ft (feet) are a unit of length. There is no way to universally convert between the two and make any sense at all.
Mass can be measured in pounds in the nearly obsolete Imperial system. You can measure the legth of various items in feet but you cannot convert length to feet.
Divide by 12Inch pounds to foot pounds is the same as inches to feet. 12 inches in one foot.
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you cant. how do you convert pounds to feet? if you mean kilograms to grams then 1 kg is 1000 grams.
To convert pounds-feet per second into horsepower, use the formula: Horsepower = (pounds-feet per second) / 550 This conversion assumes that 1 horsepower is equivalent to 550 pounds-feet per second.
It is difficult if not impossible to convert pounds to square feet. The units pounds are used to measure mass and square feet measures area. If you were looking at something like floor tile, which weighs "X" per square foot, it may be possible to calculate and find an answer. As it is, though, we're stuck.
To convert pounds to cubic feet for shipping, you need to know the density of the material being shipped. Divide the weight in pounds by the density to get the volume in cubic feet. For example, to convert 100 pounds of material with a density of 50 lbs/ft³, you would divide 100 by 50, resulting in 2 cubic feet.
150 cm is approximately 4 feet 11 inches. 50 kg is approximately 110 pounds.
Cubic feet is a measure of volume. Pounds are a measure of weight. These two values cannot be directly converted without knowing the density of the material in question.
The foot is a unit of distance while the pound is a measure of weight. As such, one cannot convert from feet to pounds.
To convert pounds per square feet to pounds per square inch, you need to divide by 144 since there are 144 square inches in a square foot. In this case, 32 pounds per square foot would be equal to 0.222 pounds per square inch.