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l = Length

W = breadth or width

perimeter = 2 x (L+W) = 2L + 2W

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Q: What is the formula to to find length and breadth if the perimeter is given?
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How do you find area and length of a rectangle if perimeter and breadth is given?

2(length+breadth)=Perimetre Length= (Perimetre/2)-Breadth Area=Length x breadth

What is the perimeter of a rectangle whose length is 18 cm and breadth is 10 cm?

56 cm Perimeter of a rectangle is given by 2(length + breadth). So, perimeter of given rectangle = 2(18 + 10) = 56

How do you find length of a rectangle when breadth and perimeter are given?

Let the length be x: 2*x = perimeter-(2*breadth) Then divide both sides by 2 to find the vallue of x

How do you find the length and breadth with only the area and perimeter?

let the length be 'x' and the breadth be 'y' then area = xy and perimeter = 2x+2y Solve the simultaneous linear equations by given area and perimeter. Regards, A Pakistani!

How do yo find the width of a rectangle if the perimeter is 334 and the length is 96?

we have the formula to find perimeter of the rectangle i.e. perimeter = 2(l+b) where l = length b = breadth substitute l=96 and perimeter = 334,we get 334 = 2(96+b) 334/2=96+b, 167 = 96 + b b = 167-96 =71. b = breadth of the given rectangle is 71.

What is the formula to find the length of a rectangle when the perimeter and width is already given?

Length = (Perimeter - twice width) / 2

Formula of a rectangle?

There is no formula for a rectangle. There are formula for calculating its area, perimeter or length of diagonals from its sides, or it is possible to calculate the length of one pair of sides given the other sides and the area or perimeter, or the two lots of sides given area and perimeter and so on.

What is the area of the rectangle when the length and breadth are given?

All you need to do is length x breadth = area

What is the formula used to find the length of a rectangular prism?

The answer depends on what information you are given: (volume, breadth and height), (surface are, breadth and height), (principle diagonal, breadth and height), (mass, density, breadth and height) or some other set.

What is the formula for measuring area within a given perimeter such as a square?

The formula for measuring the area of a square is s2, where s is the length of one of the sides. The perimeter would be 4s.

If you know the perimeter how do you find length?

To find the length given the perimeter of a rectangle, you would need the width as well. Since the perimeter of a rectangle is the sum of all its sides (2 lengths + 2 widths), you can rearrange the formula to solve for the length by subtracting twice the width from the perimeter and dividing the result by 2. Formula: Length = (Perimeter - 2*width) / 2.

How do you find height when length and breadth are given in rectangle?

A rectangle is a 2-dimensional object. It cannot have length and breadth AND height. If three dimensions are given, then two of them (eg breadth and height) must stand for the same thing.