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Being a quadrilateral, the sum of all four angles is 360o.

Opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal.

Adjacent angles of a parallelogram are supplementary, that is add to 180o.

Given one angle of a parallelogram, the other 3 angles can be calculated:

  • the opposite angle is the same;
  • the other two angles are the same as each other and are 180o - the_given_angle
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Q: How do you find missing angle of a parallelogram?
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How do you find the angle sum of a parallelogram?

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How do you find the adjacent angle sum of parallelogram?

You do not need to find. If it is a parallelogram, it must be 180 degrees.

How can you find a missing side or angle of a right triangle?

180 minus two known angle = missing angle. Use Pythagoras' theorem to find its missing side.

What angle does the height intersect with the base of a parallelogram?

The height is a perpendicular angle from the base. The sides of the parallelogram are slanted tho and this will vary for every parallelogram. To find the height you typically make a triangle with one of the slanted sides.

What is the first step when trying to find a missing angle?

If you are trying to find the missing angle of a triangle you do 180 degrees minus your two other angles. However if you are trying to find the missing angle of a quadrilaterals you do the same thing but with 360 degrees.

How do you find an angle of a parallelogram using sides?

You cannot. A parallelogram can be flexed: the angles can be altered without affecting the lengths of the sides.

How do you find a missing angle for a triangle?

Subtract the two known angles from 180 degrees will give you the missing angle

Is a parallelogram with a right angle a square?

Yes a parallelogram with a right angle is a square.

What is the missing angle of triangle that has a 53 degree angle and a 34 degree angle?

the missing angle is 93 degrees. you find that out by adding 53 and 34 and then subtracting them from 180. :)

How do you find an angle in a parallelogram?

With a protractor and the sum of the interior angles are 360 degrees.

Given parallelogram DEFG If the measure of angle D 57 find the measure of angle G?

216 is the angel of g

How do you find the missing angle measurement and side length?

Of what?