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Perimeter of a square = side * 4

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Q: How do you find the perimater of a square?
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What is the perimater of a square if it has an area of 100 centimeters squared?

40 cm

What is the formula to find out the perimater of a shape?

2l + 2w or length+width

What is shape with a perimater of eleven?


What is the perimater of a rectangle?

it is the amount of squares.

How do you find the perimater of a triangle?

By adding up all of the sides. To find the area, do base (bottem) X height X 1/2

What is the perimater of a square 32 meters?

A square with an area of 32 meters would have a side of 5.657, as the square root of 32 is 5.657. using this as the length of one side you simply multiply it by 4.5.657X4= 22.628 or rounded to the nearest tenth 22.6

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To make a rectangle of area that is 240 what could your perimater be?

---- ---- ----

What maths can you do with a quality street tin?

anthing lenth with area perimater

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what is the perimeter of a rectangle 8mm by 3m

How many feet is the perimater of 80 acres?

1 acre is approximately 43,500 ft2. So 80 acres is approximatley 3,480,000 ft2. Assuming that the land is square, take the square root of 3,480,000 ft2. This will give you the approximate length of one side, which in this case is about 1865 feet. To find the perimeter of the square multiply by 4 and get ~7460 feet.

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