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Slopes of parallel lines are all the same.
If they are parallel, their formulae of the form "y = mx + b" will only differ in the b. The m will be constant.

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Q: How do you find the slope of a line that is parallel to another line?
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How do you find the slope of a line parallel to another line?

The slope of both lines will be the same.

What is the slope of a parallel line?

Parallel lines have the same slope. So if you have a line with slope = 2, for example, and another line is parallel to the first line, it will also have slope = 2.

How do you find the slope of a parallel line?

Parallel lines have the same slope. So if you know the slope of a line in question, or you can calculate it, then you know the slope of any line parallel to that line.

If the slope of a line is two over three what is the slope of a line that is parallel to this line?

The slope is rise over run. If another line was parallel, the slope would be the same.

How do you find a slope of a line parallel?

Line a is parallel to line b, m, and . Find .

How do you find an equation of a straight line parallel to another line?

That depends what else is given, but basically you must find another line that has the same slope. For example, in y = 5x + 3, 5 is the slope; any other line with the same slope is parallel, for instance, y = 5x + 10, or y = 5x - 2.

What does the slope of a parallel line tell you?

Well parallel lines have the same slopes....if you find the slope of a parallel that it the slope of the other line.....usaully you put this slope into Point-Slope Formula (y-1)= m(x-1) + 1 to find the answer as of Y=

A line parallel to another line with an undefined slope must also have an undefined slope?

Sounds reasonable. If the lines are parallel, then their slopes are equal.

If AB is parallel to CD and the slope of CD is one over two what is the slope of AB?

The slope of line AB will be 1/2. Two parallel lines will always have the same slope, so if you know the slope of one line that is parallel to another, you know the other line's slope.

What is the slope of a line parallel to a line with slope -2?

For two lines to be parallel they must have the same slope. A line parallel to a line with slope -2 would have a slope of -2.

If the slope of a line is 13 what is the slope of a line parallel to it?

Parallel lines have the same slope. The slope of the second line is also 13.

The slope of a line is 2 3 what is the slope of a line that is parallel to it?

if the slope of a line is 2/3, then the slope of a parallel line would be 2/3.