

How do you solve two tangents of circle?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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That depends on what question you have been asked concerning the two tangents.

All by itself, a circle with two tangents is quite content, and isn't looking for a solution.

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Q: How do you solve two tangents of circle?
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If you draw tangents to a circle at opposite ends of a diameter, those two tangents are parallel. No matter how far you extend them, they'll never meet.

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Any tangent must contain a point outside the circle. So the answer to the question, as stated, is infinitely many. However, if the question was how many tangents to a circle can be drawn from a point outside the circle, the answer is two.

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If the tangents are parallel, they must be on opposite ends of a diameter.They are 8 cm apart.

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63o. Join the points where the tangents touch the circle to its centre to form a quadrilateral (two meeting tangents and two radii). These angles are both 90o, summing to 180o. Thus the other two angles - the one at the centre of the circle and the one where the tangents meet - sum to 360o - 180o = 180o (they are supplementary). The centre angle is given as 117o (the minor arc), so the angle where the tangents met is 180o - 117o = 63o.

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The angle between the two tangents is 20 degrees.

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No tangent No tangent

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Only one which is a tangent to that circle.