That depends on what question you have been asked concerning the two tangents.
All by itself, a circle with two tangents is quite content, and isn't looking for a solution.
No tangent No tangent
The tangent of an angle equals the inverse of an angle complementary to it. The relationship between the two tangents is that they are multiplicative inverses.
It depends on what information you have: radius, diameter, lengths of tangents from a point outside the circle, length of chord and its distance from the centre, etc. Also, the term is circumference, not circumfrence.
Since AB and AC are tangent to the circle O, it seems that they both are drawn from the same outside point A. As tangents to a circle from an outside point are congruent, AB ≅ BC. Also, a tangent is perpendicular to radius drawn to point of contact. So that OB and OC are congruent radii. Therefore, the perimeter of the quadrilateral ABOC equals to P = 2(12 cm) + 2(5 cm) = 34 cm.
Two tangents can be drawn from a point outside a circle to the circle. The answer for other curves depends on the curve.
If you draw tangents to a circle at opposite ends of a diameter, those two tangents are parallel. No matter how far you extend them, they'll never meet.
no; for example, a circle and a circle within that circle have no common tangents.
Any tangent must contain a point outside the circle. So the answer to the question, as stated, is infinitely many. However, if the question was how many tangents to a circle can be drawn from a point outside the circle, the answer is two.
If the tangents are parallel, they must be on opposite ends of a diameter.They are 8 cm apart.
63o. Join the points where the tangents touch the circle to its centre to form a quadrilateral (two meeting tangents and two radii). These angles are both 90o, summing to 180o. Thus the other two angles - the one at the centre of the circle and the one where the tangents meet - sum to 360o - 180o = 180o (they are supplementary). The centre angle is given as 117o (the minor arc), so the angle where the tangents met is 180o - 117o = 63o.
The angle between the two tangents is 20 degrees.
No tangent No tangent
Only one which is a tangent to that circle.