60 min = 1 hour
1 day/night = 24 hours
365 days in 1 year
Therefore (ignoring leap-years!): 365 x 24 = 8760 hours x 60 min = 525600 min
525600 x 17 years = 8935200 minutes in 17 years.
Since a clock hand turns 360 degrees in 60 minutes, it will move 30 degrees in 5 minutes and 120 degrees in 20 minutes.
well, 360 degrees in a minute. So 360 * 5 = 1800 degrees
it takes 5 million years for diamonds to turn to graphite
1 degree 58.8 minutes.1 degree 58.8 minutes.1 degree 58.8 minutes.1 degree 58.8 minutes.
There are 360 degrees on the clock face that the minute hand travels in one hour which is 6 x 10 minutes. So the degrees turned by the minute hand in 10 minutes is 360/6 = 60
17 years = 8,936,333 minutes.
8935200 minutes
536112000 minutes.
Allowing for leap years then it is 2819 days, 17 hours, 31 minutes and 12 seconds.
(60 × 2) + 17 = 137 minutes
if no leap years: 52.56 minutes if all leap years: 52.704 minutes if standard century: 52.59492 minutes
Patrick turn 17 on September 19 Patrick turn 17 on September 19 Patrick turn 17 on September 19 Patrick turn 17 on September 19
17 weeks = 171,360 minutes.
There are 1020 minutes in 17 hours.
60 Minutes - 1968 HIV Positive 70 Years Old Witness for the Prosecution 27-17 was released on: USA: 1 January 1995
The answer is 16 years old in 2011 he is turning 17 then in 2012 he will turn 18. Justin Bieber was 16 years old on May 1st, 2010. He has already turned 17 years old (March 5th, 2011).