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The volume inside a sphere (that is, the volume of the ball) is given by the formula:-

Volume = 4/3πr3

where 'r' is the radius of the sphere and 'π' is the constant pi

The diameter of a sphere is two times its radius, thus a sphere 8 meters in diameter has a radius of 4 meters.

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Q: How do you work out the volume of a sphere with a known diameter?
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Volume of sphere is 5575.28 cubic units and its radius work out as 11 units rounded

Why does the formula for the volume of a sphere work?

Because when working out volumes the answer is given in cubic units and the radius in the formula for finding the volume of a sphere is cubed: Volume of a sphere in cubic units = 4/3*pi*radius3

If a sphere of dia 3 cm is melted and formed into 3 spheres the diameter of 1st is 1.5cm and that of second is 2.0 cm what is the diameter of the third?

The answer is 2.87 cm.Use the formula to find the volume of a sphere:V= (4/3) * Pi * r^3Find the volume of a sphere that has a 3 cm radius, then find the volume of a sphere with a 1.5 cm radius. Subtract the volume of the smaller radius from the volume with the larger radius.The answer will give you the remaining volume of the larger sphere. You can plug it in as V in the formula above, and work backwards until you solve for r. That will give you the answer I arrived at.NOTE** This is all assuming that ANSHUMAN is right in his/her observation and that you have worded your question incorrectly.Source(s):Comp Sci/Elec Engineering Student. Have tutored all forms of math up to Calculus 3.

How you find the radius of a sphere?

It depends on the information you have. You could put the sphere on a flat surface and lower a horizontal plane onto it so that it just touches the top of the sphere. The distance between the flat surface and the horizontal plane is the sphere's diameter; the radius is half that. Or you could measure its volume by measuring the amount of fluid (water) that it displaces in a measuring container or the overflow from any full container. Then use the formula V = 4/3*pi*R3 to work out the radius. If you knew the density of the material of the sphere, you could measure its mass and work out its volume that way.

How do you work out the surface area of a sphere shape?

The area of a sphere is equal to its circumference times its diameter.There are a variety of ways to work out this formula, most of them involving calculus.(See the links for the volume of a sphere).

How do you work out the volume of a sphere simple?

The formula for the volume of a sphere is 4/3 πr3, where r is the radius of the sphere. For example, for a sphere with radius 2cm, the volume is (23 x π) x 4/3 - which is equal to 10 2/3 x π, or, to two decimal places, 33.51cm2.

Volume of a circle?

Technically, a circle is a 2-dimensional object, so the question should read "volume of a sphere" OR "Area of a circle". The formula to work out the volume of a sphere is: 4/3 pi x r3, where "r" is the radius of the sphere. To find the area of a circle: pi x r2.

What is the formula for converting cubic meters to kilojoules?


How do you work out the area of a sphere shape?

to find the volume of a sphere the equation is v= 4 over 3 x pie x the radius cubed

How do you work out the volume of a sphere?

Using the radius, the formula is: V = 4/3(PI*r3)

How do you work the formula of a sphere?

You replace the radius in the formula, and do the calculations, to obtain either the volume or the area, depending on what formula you are talking about.

Can you find the volume of a sphere with a surface area of XXXVI square inches showing your work in detail?

Yes. Second contribution: Surface area of sphere = XXXVI = 36 square inches. When all the working out is done, which the previous contributor has failed to do, the answer is: Volume of the sphere = 20.311 cubic inches correct to three decimal places. This was achieved by rearranging the formula (4*pi*r2) for finding the surface area of the sphere in order to find its radius. The radius was then used in the formula (4/3*pi*r3) for finding the volume of the sphere.