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it looks like a rectangle in the middle of two circles. the first circle is on the top of the rectangle other circle is on the bottom

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Q: How does a net drawing look like for a cylinder?
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Where can i find a drawing net on the computer?

Type in drawing net on a search engine

What is the base of cylinder?

the base is one of the two circles on the end. if you look at a net, it is the circles. either one. it doesnt matter.

What is the net drawing of a sphere?

Since a sphere has an infinite number of side and angles, we can easily conclude that the new drawing for a sphere is a simple circle. The other new drawings do not have an infinite number of sides. Hence, They look 3D

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Because a rectangular prism has straight edges whereas a a cylinder has curved edges.

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it means to draw a net cube with the sides of 15milimeters

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How many circles would you find in a net that can be folded to form a cylinder? *

What net has two circles and a rectangle?

a cylinder

A net that has 2 circles and a rectangle?


How do you draw the net of a cube?

It looks like this.........._...._|_|_...|_|_|_|......|_|......|_|Sorry it is not the best image in the world, but it is the best I could do. Just ignore the dots, they are not included in the drawing

How do you draw a net for a cylinder and label the dimensions then use the net to find the surface area of the cylinder when 3.14 is the pie?

radius squared multiplied by pie

How does a badminton court look?

like a tennis cort, but with a higher net.

What does a net of a rectangular prism look like?

thigs that look like a rectangular prism brick and klenex box - thank you :0)