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ken y as in the spanish singer? he has black hair with nice tan coloured skin and he is ultra fit trust me he is a a sexgod

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Here is a link to what he looks like

Is Ken Y the singer gay?

it seems like it

Where is rakim y ken y from?

Rakim y ken y are from Puerto Rico

What is ken-y of rakim y ken-y real name?

Kenny Vazquez(ken-y) and Jose Nieves(rakim)

Where have kids rakim y ken y?

you have a son or girls to if u do tell me place think you r.k.m y ken y you so cute I am done with your rakim y ken y

Did Ken-y from Rakim y Ken-y Participate in the show Alegrijes y Rebujos?

yes yes

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It looks like a parabola which looks like a U shape.

What does rose look like?

This is what a rose looks like: ......... , . - . - , _ , ....... ......... ) ` - . .> ' `( ....... they have prickly stems and cupped leaves ........ / . . . .`.. . . .. ........ ........ |. . . . . |. . .| ......... ......... .. . . . ./ . ./ ........... ........... `=(.. /.=` ........... ............. `-;`.-' ............. ............... `)| ... , ......... ................. _.-'| .......... ............. , _ .._, / ......... ....... , ..... .. .' .............. .... |.. |.. , . / ............... , ....` | /|., |Y.., ........... ... '-...'-._..../ .............. ........ >_.-`Y| ............... ............. , _ .............. ............... .. .............. ................. .............. ................. .............. ................. |/ .............. ...................................

What a wishbone looks like?

its a Y-ish shape

Who are Rakim and Ken-y?

Who Are Rakim and Ken y?Rakim and Ken Y are a duet group from Puerto Rico. Rakim raps reggaeton and Ken y sings it. They have many famous songs and alot of fans including me. Some of their hits: me matas,down,te amo,lloraras, and may more.

Does Ken-y have a girlfriend?

Ken-y does not have a girlfriend and is single for now

How old is rakim y ken-y?

I think ken y is 23 years old and idk rakims age i dont care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!