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You need to be more specific there will be a very wide range among football players a 350 lb lineman is not going to be able to jump nearly as far as a 180 lb running back or a wide receiver. Also do you mean like a standing long jump or a jump while in the middle of a game with a running start and full pads on... standing long jump without pads many running backs wide recievers and defensive backs will be able to jump around 8 to 10 feet at full speed during the heat of the game if one were to actually try to jump as far as he could he could go about 15-16 feet maybe up to 18 or 19 if he had extremely powerful legs however a jump like that would usually just make him land on his butt so to keep his fotting and make a big play the furthest you would be looking at is about 14-16 feet

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How far can adults jump?

A standing broad jump, not too far. A running jump, much further. And there are tricks, such as running and tossing weights backwards, which adds further distance to the jump.