The angles around the circumference of a sphere add up to 360 degrees.
A sphere has no angles.
It is impossible to have a triangle with 3 right angles. It is possible to draw a triangle with three right angles on the surface of a sphere:
You can draw a triangle with two obtuse angles in a sphere
The following shape has three sides and the only angles are right angles. ----- | |___
None. A sphere does not have any angles.
A sphere has no angles.
462 * * * * * It can have three.
No a sphere doesn't even have any angles
Spheres are measured with solid angles (which are like two dimensional angles). These angles can be measure with square degrees or steradians. A sphere measures 129300/π square degrees (or about 41,253 square degrees). A sphere measures 4π steradians (or about 12.566 steradians.)
unit in earth science used for measuring angles in a circle or sphere?
No, a pentagon has five angled sides. A sphere does not have any angles.
A circle.! or sphere