None. A degree is a measure of angular separation in 1-dimensional space, a steradian is a measure in 2-dimensional space. It makes no sense to try to convert from one to the other.
None. A radian is a measure of angular separation in 1-dimensional space, a steradian is a measure in 2-dimensional space. It makes no sense to try to convert from one to the other.
One radian is about 57.3 degrees
40 degrees.
One fourth of a circle is 90 degrees.
15 degrees
None. A radian is a measure of angular separation in 1-dimensional space, a steradian is a measure in 2-dimensional space. It makes no sense to try to convert from one to the other.
You do not convert. STERADIAN is a two dimensioal measurement RADIAN is a one dimensional measurement. Just as you cannot convert area into degrees (of angular measurement)
One radian is about 57.3 degrees
90 degrees
93.573485738939547384938374 degrees
5 degrees
140 degrees
Circle has 360 degrees. One fourth circle has 90 degrees
90 degrees.
120 degrees
40 degrees.
There is no direct ratio between radians and steradians since they measure different things. Radians measure angles in a two-dimensional plane, while steradians measure solid angles in three-dimensional space. However, both units are related by the formula: 1 steradian = (4π/1) square radians.