9 mm is equal to 0.35433 inches, (1 mm = 0.03937 inches).
Direct Conversion Formula 9 mm*
1 in
25.4 mm
0.3543307087 in
1 mm = 0.0394 in 9 mm = 0.3546 in (9 x 0.0394) Direct Conversion Formula9 mm* 1 in 25.4 mm = 0.3543307087
72cm (9mm x 8 sides = 9 x 8 = 72)
144 inches
62 inches
You can convert 9mm to 0.354331 inches using a mm to inches converter.
Caliber refers to the diameter of the bullet the gun fires. The caliber of a 9mm is 9 millimeters. That is about .356 inches.
9 mm = 0.35433 in
the 9mm will penetrate sandbags a number of feet. however, if there is sand in the sandbags then merely inches...
About 6 inches of sand.
uuhhh... no, you cannot fire a 9mm parabellum through a .40 s&w.9mm converted to inches is .35 now you see that .40 is a little wider.
3 1/2 inches ("note: 3.5" would equal 88.9mm) 9mm equals .034533" you are welcome for the answer/ editing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a gun shot of a 9mm 2-4 inches away from your ear
The common 9mm cartridge is known by many names. All of the following 9mm's are one and the same: 9x19mm, 9mm Nato, 9mm Luger, 9mm Parabellum. There are no 9mm cartridges specific to Glock or Smith & Wesson.
Beretta made a LOT of different 9mm pistols. However, if you are asking about the M9 pistol used by the US Army, it is about 8.5 inches long.
0.3543307087 in Direct Conversion Formula 9 mm* 1 in 25.4 mm = 0.3543307087 in
9 millimeter is the caliber. IMPROVING ANSWER: A "9mm" bullet is actually .355 or .356 of an inch in diameter. So the caliber is about .36, but nobody calls it that because it would be confusing. Everybody calls it a 9mm and if somebody asks you what "caliber" that pistol is, you can answer "It's a 9mm" without having to add or explain anything. further improve: 9mm is the correct answer. you can find the caliber by measuring the diameter of the bullet. translate to millimeters or inches and that's the caliber. 9mm is a 9mm caliber not "around .36"