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How many letters

do you need to name

a minor arc?

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4y ago

When naming a minor arc, we use letters.

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Lvl 1
4y ago

When naming a major arc, we use letters.

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Q: How many letters do you need to name a minor arc?
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Continue Learning about Geometry

How many point do you need in order to name a ray?

Two points are sufficient.

How many points do you need to name a ray segement?

Just like line segments or lines, you just need two points to name them. Line ---.-----.-----------------.--------------> A B C D Line= AB Line= BC Ray= CD

What is polygon with the longest name?

Beyond 100-sided polygons, mathematicians generally resort to using the number, i.e., a 123-sided polygon would be called a 123-gon. In this respect, there is no limit to the length of the name of a polygon, as there is no limit to the number of sides a polygon can have.However, for named polygons, if considering the number of letters in the name, there are 16 that are tied, with 21 letters. The one with the smallest number of sides is the tetracontakaitetragon (44 sides). The one with the largest number of sides is the enneacontakaienneagon (99 sides). Any polygon with a two-digit number of sides, such that both digits are either 4, 5, 7, or 9 (but the two digits need not be the same) will have a name with 21 letters. This derives from the fact that the prefixes for 4, 5, 7, and 9 (tetra, penta, hepta, and ennea) have more letters than those for the other prefixes.However, if you consider the number of syllables in the name, the winner is enneacontakaienneagon (99 sides), with 10 syllables, because the ennea prefix (which appears twice in this name) has 3 syllables as opposed to two for all the other prefixes, even the ones that have 5 letters.

How many square meters do you need 10ftx14ft?

You need 13 square meters.

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how many roof tiles do I need for 6ft by 4 ft pitched

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form_title= Vinyl Letters form_header= Advertise with letters. What size would you like the letters?*= _ [50] What letters do you need?*= _ [50] Please describe the desired style in detail.*= _ [50] When do the letters need to be completed?*= _ [50]