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16 * 28 = 448

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Q: How many spaces do you get if you have 17 vertical lines and 29 horizontal?
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How many lines of symetry does a rectangle has?

two: horizontal and vertical

7 horizontal lines and 10 vertical lines how many rectangles?

It depends on how spaced apart all the lines are.

How many lines of symmetry does an 8 have?

The number 8 has only 2 lines of symmetry; Vertical and Horizontal.

How many lines of symmetry does the letter 8 have?

Two lines of symmetry; one vertical and one horizontal

How many slopes do vertical lines have?

The slope of a vertical line is undefined. The slope of a horizontal line is 0. Hope this helps.

Is any horizontal line perpendicular to any vertical line?

Yes, but only if they are exactly vertical and exactly horizontal (90 degrees angular difference). For real-world examples, many vertical lines can be perpendicular to a single "horizontal" curved line at the points of intersection.

How many lines of symmetry does a recatangle have?

two Edit: Actually it has four - One vertical, one horizontal and two rotational lines at the diagonals !

How many lines of symmetry does the figure 8 have?

I would think it would have two. One horizontal and one vertical.

How many lines of symmetry does the letter H have?

Four. * * * * * I would say just 2: horizontal and vertical.

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If there are 6 horizontal parallel and 7 vertical parallel lines then how many parallelograms we can get?

Infinite; you could go into the decimal forever.