it is two 2If they're shaped appropriately, then it only takes two triangles to make a trapezoid.
1 rhombus 4-5 triangles
Two of them because there are 360 degrees in a trapezoid and 180 degrees in a triangle and so it follows that 360/180 = 2
120 triangles.
There are 8 triangles inside a 10 sided decagon
it is two 2If they're shaped appropriately, then it only takes two triangles to make a trapezoid.
A trapezoid contains three triangles, or more depending on how you divide it. Where its longer parallel side is at the bottom, two triangles point up and one points down.
1 rhombus 4-5 triangles
0 (trapezoid, kite, parallelogram) - 4 (rectangle)
Two of them because there are 360 degrees in a trapezoid and 180 degrees in a triangle and so it follows that 360/180 = 2
120 triangles.
6 Triangles!!
5 equilateral triangles.
There are 8 triangles inside a 10 sided decagon
Find out the number of matchsticks that the learners would need to build 40 triangles
There are: 63-2 = 61 triangles