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If there is a picture with 3 triangles and 1 upside down the the answer to that is OBVIOUSLY 5. Lol. The 4 triangles and the triangle going around the outside of the other little triangles inside of the picture.

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Q: How many triangles in this picture?
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How many nonsimilar triangles are there?

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How many triangles are in 1 triangles?

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How many triangles in the large triangle?

If you are talking about the common triangle puzzle, then there are 27 triangles. There are 16 one-cell triangles, 7 four-cell triangles, 3 nine-cell triangles, and 1 sixteen-cell triangle. There is a link to the pic for you also. _______________________________________________________________________ The answer in a two dimensional way would be 27. However, if you take into account that each triangle can be turned three ways, then you can understand that there are actually 81 triangles in all. THen you could ask the question, how many triangles can fit in this space (i.e. the picture)? The answer is the first level of infinitely many, or Aleph zero. This would be by finding the midpoint of each side of the all the 1- cell triangles and creating a new triangle.

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You need 3,5,7,9... triangles. They have to be equilateral triangles. 1,3,5,7... need to be upside down while 2,4,6,8... have to be right side up. ______ /\ /\ /\ / \ / \ / \ /__\/__\/__\ I know, bad picture, hopefully you get the point though.

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depends on what size triangles and what kind of triangles?

What are Pascal's triangles shallow diagonals?

Answer is easy with a diagram. Without the picture, very difficult.