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An infinite number of ways. Cut along a line from anywhere on a side to the centre of the square. Make three more cuts, at 90, 180 and 270 degrees to the first at the centre. Each point on a side of the square will give rise to a different set of four identical pieces of the square. And there are an infinite number of points on the side of the square. So an infinite number of answers to the question.

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Q: How many ways can you divide a square into four identical pieces?
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its when you can divide a shape in half and both parts are identical for can divide a square in more than four ways.

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Divide it across the diagonals - all four pieces will be the same.

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by dividing by 6 .and if the eighth is whole then divide by 7 .________________________I have a different take; if I have misunderstood the question then I trust a kind contributor will delete this contribution. The questioner may be asking how to divide a square into pieces each one eighth the size of the original square. The pieces will be right triangles of equal size. They will not all be congruent with one another, however. Four will be congruent with each other, and the remaining four will be congruent with each other. Draw lines connecting opposite vertices; they will meet at the center. Then draw lines connecting the centers of opposite sides.Another way is to end up with 8 identical rectangles. Divide the width into 8 equal parts, and divide the height into 8 equal parts. For example: a square 8 inches per side. Then divide the square into 4 inch by 2 inch rectangles. There will be 8 of them.

Divide the trapezoid below into four identical parts?

The answer is given below.

What have two squares and four rectangles?

A box made of four identical rectangles for the front/top/back/bottom and the end pieces are squares.

Can you show four identical right triangles in a rhombus?

Yes, draw the two diagonals. This will divide the rhombus into 4 identical triangles.

What shape has 4 identical faces?

a square. duuh. * * * * * duuh is correct! A square has 4 identical sides or 4 identical angles but not 4 identical faces! A shape with four identical plane faces is a regular tetrahedron or a triangle based pyramid.

What shape has 4 congruent sides and 2 pairs of congruent angles?

Angles and sides are congruent when they are identical. A shape with four identical sides and angles is a square.

How could you describe a square?

A square - is a two-dimensional figure having four sides, all of equal length and four identical angles at the corners.

Why can you divide 0 by 5 but not 5 by 0?

Lets say you have 0 pieces of pie and you divide it among you and four of your friends. How much would each person get? This would be 0 pieces since there isn't any pie. If you have 5 pieces of pie but no one to divide it to, you cant divide it.

How do you divide a square into four sections and not make triangles squares or rectangles?

Divide square into 4parts gets 4 rhombus shapes

What are four ways of dividing a square into eight equal parts?

divide a square into eighths