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Q: How much degrees is a acute square?
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How many acute angles in a square?

There aren't any acute angles in a square because an acute angle is less than 90 degrees. however, there are 4 right angles in a square. (which by the way a right angle is a measure of exactly 90 degrees)

What is the part of an obtuse right and acute angle?

Obtuse right is bigger than 90 degrees and has a square at the bottom , & acute is less than 90 degrees , w/ no square at the end .

How much degrees does an acute angle have?

less than 90 degrees

Does a square have acute angles?

No no. An acute angle is any angle less than 90 degrees. all of the angles are 90 degrees. even a ten year old (me) can do that.

How much does a acute angle measure?

an acute angle doesn't have an exact measurement, but it is lower than 90 degrees. So any angle below 90 degrees is an acute.

What shape can contain no acute angles?

A shape that can contain no acute angles is a rectangle. In a rectangle, all interior angles are right angles, which are exactly 90 degrees. This means there are no angles smaller than 90 degrees, which are considered acute angles. Therefore, a rectangle is an example of a shape that contains no acute angles.

How much is a acute?

An acute angle is greater than 0 but less than 90 degrees

Are the angles inside a square acute angles right angles or obtuse angles?

A square is a rectangle and a rectangle MEANS 90 DEGREES, so a square also has 90 degrees. :P

How many acute angle are there in acute triangle?

An acute triangle can have as much as 3 acute angles providing that they all add up to 180 degrees.

How much is an acute angle?

An acute angle is an angle that measures between 0 and 90 degrees. It is considered to be less than a right angle (90 degrees).

How many acute angles in a square divided into four equal triangles?

An acute angle is less than 90 degrees. Dividing a square into four equal triangles would not have any acute angles since they would all be 90 degrees. A 90 degree angle is called a right angle.

How much of an angle is 30 degrees?

An angle of 30 degrees is an acute angle because it is greater than 0 but less than 90 degrees