836.12736 square meters.
Commonly, a square having length and width of 1 ft is known as a square foot.
If you want the price per square foot, divided 4000 by 1500. The price is 2.66 per square foot.
0.0012355 acres or 53.82 square foot
usually between 5 mil and up in california
Multiply by (0.3048 x 0.3048) as 1 foot = 0.3048 meters
836.12736 square meters.
If the acreage is a square, you'll need 6,467 feet of fencing to enclose the area.
! Square foot = 0.092903 square meters.
If you are making it square (which uses the least amount of fencing) you would need 836 ft of fence.
You can not compare a square foot to a cubic foot because they are 2 different quantities!
A square has four sides that are all the same length. If one side is 33-ft then all four sides are 33-ft, and the distance all the way around the square is (33 x 4) = 132 feet.
One square foot is 144 square inches. So 20 square inches is much smaller.
A square foot is a common American unit of measurement. A square foot is equal to 144 square inches.
A square foot is 0.0929 square metres approx, whatever the total is.