how much land is 0.098compard to 1 acre
Its about $6000 per acre depending on location of the land
One acre of land in California is about the same as one acre of land on the moon.
Answer: 1 acre = 43,560 ft²
how much land is 0.098compard to 1 acre
Around about 1 acre
Its about $6000 per acre depending on location of the land
1 acre of land is 43,560 square feet, 1/640 square mile, anywhere. Price???
1 acre is 43,560 square feet.
The cost of an acre of land in Jacksonville Florida varies significantly. An acre of land in the city will be more than land in a rural setting.
6 million yen
In 1945, the cost of 1 acre of land varied widely depending on location, land quality, and other factors. On average, the cost of an acre of land in the United States ranged from around $50 to $200 per acre in rural areas. However, prices could be much higher in developed or prime locations.
if i am not wrong it averages around 175,000USD
Land per acre really depends on the location. Land on the water is much more expensive per acre than land in the city.