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4.0 acre-feet

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Q: How much water is required to grow one acre of alfalfa?
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How do you use alfalfa in a sentence?

I grow alfalfa

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Does alfalfa grow in nigeria?


Were does alfalfa grow in Alberta?

Alfalfa is found in calgary,edmonton, medicine hat and in my pants

Can one grow alfalfa in Central coast area of New South Wales?

Alfalfa is a technical term for lucerne and it will not grow on the coast - lucerne is a dry climate crop and will not grow there

How high does alfalfa grow?

It grows to be about 1 meter tall

What is climate required by ragi to grow?

A wet climate is needed and required to grow ragi. It is a rain dependent crop and can handle water logging.

How does alfalfa grow in Alberta?

Just like it would anywhere else: it grows when the frost in the ground is out and the days start warming up. Alfalfa will grow from spring to fall or until the ground freezes over again.

How many gallons of water needed to grow one acre of corn?

Corn takes between one to two gallons per plant on a weekly basis. An acre of corn take 350,000 gallons of water over the 100 day growing cycle.

How long does it take alfalfa to grow once planted?

It takes 4 to 5 days

Where does alfalfa grow?

Almost everywhere in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. But I am not sure about the regions in the provinces.

Maya farms a 40-acre farm She can grow 30 bushels of corn per acre or 60 bushels of wheat per acre and any combination in between?

Maya should grow wheat on all 40 acres for the best return on investment.