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Q: How many acre feet of water does it take to grow a potato?
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4.0 acre-feet

Will a potato grow faster in dirt Or water?

The potato will grow faster in water if the necessary trace elements are fed into the water (hydroponic farming)

When does the potato grow?

It grows when you plant and water it.

What happens if a potato tubule is placed in a test tube with water?

sprouts will grow from the potato tubule and grow more potatoes..... weird huh?

Does a potato plant grow in the land or water?

They grow in small loamy dirt mounds.

Will a potato grow better in salty water?

No, you will have lower yields.

How many plants can you grow in one acre when the distance between the two plants is 9 feet?


Why was the potato considered alive and the potato chip as not?

potato can grow while potato chips can not grow therefore potato is considered to be alive and potato chip is not.

Will a potato float if you add enough salt to it?

No, a potato will not grow in water.Potatoes grow in soil or a mix of soil and compost.They do need moisture to help them grow, but they also need to 'breath'.They will simply rot in you try to grow them in water.

How does a sweet potato grow?

Sweet potatoes grow best with compost and an organic potato food will increase their size. I start mine from sweet potatoes rooted in water in the winter. When the vines grow from the potatoes, I cut them off the tuber and root them in water. I then plant these rooted vines in the garden after all danger of frost is past and given about 100 days to grow, they will produce new sweet potatoes. The last month or so, do not water the potato vines and this will increase the size of the new tubers.

How do you make a potato grow?

By putting the potato in a glass which fits about a quarter of the cup then put water in the glass so the water will just go too the bottom of the glass put it in a light spot in a couple of days the potato will start it's roots

Why does your potato look like its sprouting popcorn?

Those are called the "eyes" of the potato and sprout when the potato isn't as fresh any longer; these are called seed potatoes. You can actually plant the potato "eyes" (or the whole potato) and they will grow more potatoes, but you have to do it at the right planting time for where you live. You can also sprout them in a glass of water indoors and they will grow long vines, much like a house plant. To do this, insert toothpicks around the center of the potato so they will hold the top half out of the water, otherwise the whole potato will rot.