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A cord of wood is generally 8 feet long, 4 feet tall, and 4 feet wide. The wood is cut into 16 inch lengths. The amount of wood in the cord varies depending on the type of wood but the wood must occupy a space of 128 square feet.

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Q: How much wood in a cord?
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How much is a cord of wood?

A cord of wood is worth around $180. The price may be different depending on the type of wood, as well as the season.

How much does a cord of hickory wood weigh?

A cord of hickory wood typically weighs between 4,500 to 5,000 pounds, depending on the moisture content of the wood.

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A cord of eucalyptus wood typically weighs around 4,000 to 5,000 pounds, depending on factors such as moisture content and wood density.

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a cord of wood is 4ftx8ft by 16 inches deep a bush cord is 4ftx8ftx4ft

How much wood can fit onto a 4x8 trailer?

1 Cord.

How much ash comes from a cord of burned wood?

Approximately 5-10 pounds of ash are produced from burning a cord of firewood, depending on the type of wood and how well it is burned.

What is the volume of a cord of wood?

a cord of wood is equal to 128 cubic feet of neatly stacked wood.

How much for a core of fire wood cost?

The price of a CORD of firewood will vary in different areas, and vary with the type of wood. Here in central Virginia it is $150-$200 per cord of seasoned oak or hickory firewood. A cord of wood is a stack 4 ft x 4ft x 8 ft.

How much should splitting 3 cord of wood cost?

I'd say around $80 per cord, though I wouldn't want to do it less than $150. Only experience is watching my father chop wood as a kid in NY. We also had it delivered, split by the cord sometimes.

How much wood would two woodchucks chuck if they both agreed they both would chuck wood?

As they had an accord, they would both chuck a cord.

How much does a cord of firewood weigh?

A cord of firewood typically weighs between 2,500 to 3,000 pounds, depending on the type of wood and moisture content.