undefined terms-terms w/c cannot defined.
1.point-it is represented by a dot
-it indicates position
-it has no dimensions.
2.line-it is straight
-it can be represented by opposite arrow
3.plane-it is a flat surface
-it is of infinite lenght and width but has no thicknes..
mg thnks kau 2 me..joke lng..im sierra
are you asking for help on finding definition for geometric terms? if so go to: http://library.thinkquest.org/2647/geometry/glossary.htm#b and to wikipedia for x and j terms
There are no geometry terms that start with the letter J. Geometry deals with the spatial relationships of objects.
There are hundreds of terms associated with Geometry. A list of sixteen Geometry terms starting with just the letter P are Pythagorean theorem, Pi, pyramid, polygon, parabola, polytope, points, planes, projective geometry, platonic solids, parallel, power center, pedal triangle, prototile, polyhedron, and pseudosphere.
Basic geometry terms are lines, points segments and rays, so it should be "point".
point, line, and plane.
identify the three undefined terms in geometry and differences
A point is one of basic terms in geometry,it just specifies an exact location, we identify this point with a number or letter. example : .A .B .C .Y
Trapezoid and triangle are geometry terms. They begin with T.
are you asking for help on finding definition for geometric terms? if so go to: http://library.thinkquest.org/2647/geometry/glossary.htm#b and to wikipedia for x and j terms
Do it!
Acute angle, algorithm, altitude, angle, area and axis are geometry terms.
Point, line and plane ARE terms from geometry.
There are no geometry terms that start with the letter J. Geometry deals with the spatial relationships of objects.
It means identical