An upside-down triangle. It does not matter from which direction you view a triangle, it will still be a triangle.
what is called a upside down trapezoid
In the Son of Anarchy they turn a picture over when someone is out, killed, or will be gotten rid of.
Upside-down T
A rhombus has four sides of equal length. It can be in any orientation.
We suspect that there's no shape with any name where the namedepends on which way you're holding the paper.
No it was not turned upside down at the time of the flood.
The cast of The World Turned Upside Down - 2002 includes: Anthony Howell
When a cockroach is turned upside down, it may struggle to right itself by using its legs to flip back over. Cockroaches have a strong instinct to stay upright, so they will typically try to correct their position when turned upside down.
The number 6. When 6 is turned upside down, it becomes 9. 9>6.
Turned upside down.
A baby