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Upside-down T

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Q: What is the sign for perpendicular?
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Why stop sign is perpendicular?

The reason a stop sign is perpendicular is so that it can be seen. If the sign was leaning forward or backward, it would be difficult for oncoming traffic to see it.

Is Z perpendicular line segments?

no an addition sign is a perpendicular line segments

DrAw a pair of perpendicular lines?

A plus sign (+) would be a pair of perpendicular line segments.

How do you do perpendicular lines?

Perpendicular lines meet each other at right angles as for example the plus sign +

What is a shape with two lines that are perpendicular?

A plus sign.

A line is perpendicular to another line when?

A line is perpendicular to another line when it is at an angle of 90° to the other line. + (that plus sign is an example of a perpendicular line)

How do you draw perpendicular lines?

Perpendicular lines meet each other at right angles as for example the plus sign +

Two perpendicular lines must?

Two perpendicular lines must cross at a 90 degree angle, like a plus sign: +

How can intersect but not perpendicular?

When lines cross at 90 degrees, they are perpendicular. Anything less than 90 degrees, or anything more than 90 degrees, is not perpendicular. An example of a perpendicular intersection would be a plus sign + . An example of a non-perpendicular intersection is the letter X . Hope this helps.

What does the perpendicular sign look like?

It looks like an upside-down "T".

What does the perpendicular to sign look like in maths?

It looks like an upside-down "T".

Real life examples of perpendicular lines?

An example of a perpendicular line is a 4 way intersection at a stop sign. Another example would be a window that has 4 smaller squares in it.