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π is a transcendental number, and any square root of a a transcendental is immediately transcendental.

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Q: If pi is 3.141592653589793238462643383279 etc can you find the square root of pi and get a single without a decimal?
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Nonterminating Decimal: A decimal that continues without end.For example:The square root of 2 = 1.414213562… Therefore, the square root of 2 is a nonterminating decimal.

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the square root of 14 has no simplest form without making a long decimal.

How do you convert 0.05 decimal to square feet?

You cannot. A decimal without any dimensions is a number and has no area associated with it. And, unless you knew that it was 0.05 square feet, or sqaure metres or acres or hectares or some other measure of area, you have no way of converting to square feet.

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Yes the square root of 150 is 12.247448713915890490986420373529This is irrational because the answer is a number that the decimal goes on forever without repeating.

How do you do a square root to a decimal?

square it

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The square root of 10 is an irrational number, because it continues endlessly and without pattern in decimal form.

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Yes. 25 = 25.0 i a decimal number and is the square of +/- 5 2.25 is the square of 1.5

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One decimal = 435.6 square feet.

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1 decimal equals how many square feet

How do you change an irrational square root to a decimal?

square it

How many square feets are there in 1 decimal?

In Bangladesh, decimal is still used in some places as land measurement. Usually one decimal equals 100 acres and one acre equals 43559.99 square feet. You can now easily convert decimal to square feet! so 43559.99 square feet times by 100 equals 4355999 square feet in one decimal.