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3 sides-triangle 4 sides-square or rectangle(square can be a rectangle, but rectangle can't be a square) 5 sides-pentagon 6 sides-hexagon 7 sides-heptagon 8 sides-octagon 9 sides-nonagon 10 sides-decagon 11 sides-hendecagon 12 sides-dodecagon Actually, there are more, but the names get really long and after twelve, most people say 13-gon, 14-gon, 15-gon...

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Q: Is List of polygons up to twelve?
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A list of polygons with pictures?

There are infinitely many polygons and nobody can create a list or pictures of all of them.

What is a list of polygons?

A list of polygons would include the triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, octagon, and the hexagon. Some additional polygons are the enneagon, the heptagon, the dodecagon, and the hexdecagon.

Can you list 5 polygons?

Triangle, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon, octagon. Though, there are much more names of polygons.

Can you provide a list of polygons with pictures?

See the link for a worksheet.

Can you list numbers 50-100 sided polygons please?


Can you list numbers 50 100 sided polygons please?


How are the names for ten- and twelve-sided polygons related?

Both names have "dec", "ca", "gon", "deca", "cagon", and "decagon" in them.

How many polygons make one football?

On a football there are two types of polygons - large hexagons and smaller pentagons. The number of polygons it takes to make up the football depends entirely on the size of the ball and the size of the polygons.

How are trapezoids and triangles the same?

They are both polygons and have exterior angles that add up to 360 degrees

A list of all shapes?

There is no comprehensive list. In fact, there cannot be one. For example, polygons are named after the number of their sides and they can have infinitely many sides.

What is an 85 sided shape called?

It can be called an 85-gon or an octacontakaipentagon. The second is not at all common, it is simply constructed based on the pattern of naming other polygons, most polygons with more than twelve sides are simply called (the number)-gons.