As long as it doesn't have open or curved edges, it is a polygon. Go look polygon up in the dictionary!
A polygon is 2 dimensional shape whereas a non polygon can be 3 dimensional shape
A non polygon is a shape that doesn't meet the requierments to be a polygon. In order to be a polygon, a shape must have no curved lines and must be a closed shape.
a polygon is a multi-sided shape, therefore a circle is not a polygon.
A rectangle is a polygon shape since all lines are straight and connected.
A concave hexagon or a concave octagon.
A bow tie.
Bow tie
bow tie for really fancy, tie for relatively relaxed
a bow tie is 'un noeud papillon' in French.
A bow tie is defined as a man's tie that ties in a bow around the collar of a shirt with collar, it ties in a proportionate fashion. The bow tie initiated from Croatia in the 17 century.
bow tie
it can be joined (sort of means one) like this bow-tie, or it can be two bow tie
It's easy tying a bow tie. All you have to is tie a sort of bow. The bow will end up looking similar to a normal bow but if it ends up slightly different it should be alright. Whilst tying the bow make sure that the fatter parts of the tie form the loops.
You can find a guide on how to tie a bow tie at the Art of Manliness website. Once on the page, click on "Dress & Grooming" and scroll down the list and click on the "How to Tie a Bow Tie" video.
Bow Tie Daddy was created in 1968-01.