A bow-tie type connection of 2 triangles.
It looks like a ladder with only one step, a railroad track with only one tie, or the upper-case letter ' H '.
Untie is the opposite.
As long as it doesn't have open or curved edges, it is a polygon. Go look polygon up in the dictionary! By:SupeRMAn
If you are daring enough you should tie a bow tie the old fashioned way. A real knot always looks better that a cheater bow tie because it adds a bit of sophistication to your appearance. There are many instructional videos out there, but a lot of them are frustrating to watch.
it can be joined (sort of means one) like this bow-tie, or it can be two bow tie
"Bou", like "Bow" in "Bow tie".
A bow tie.
bow (take a bow), and bough (branch of a tree) or bow (like bow tie) and beau (boyfriend)
8 i always thought it looks like a bow tie so it's quite prim and proper no the actual one is 2
Bow tie
bow tie for really fancy, tie for relatively relaxed
A Tiffany Box looks like a small gift, wrapped up with a bow-tie and all. It is blue, and the tie is white. Usually, you can find charms instead of a name-tag, and these are usually given for gifts such as jewelry.