

Best Answer

no u ugly botan koli u look like a botom koli and speak like a botom koli

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Q: Is a square tangram congruent to a square pattern block?
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What do you get when you combine a triangle pattern block with a rhombus pattern block?


Can any one tell you what block means in patchwork?

A block in patchwork is the finished pattern piece. Traditionally there are nine patch blocks and these are sewn together to make the quilt top. There are names to the patch block patterns, some of the older ones being "log cabin" and "tangle foot". The tangle foot patch was traditionally sewn for a young man's bed to keep him from straying from his home. The nine patch consists of a center square, then, contrasting squares at each corner and side of the center square. It is finished with a strip on each side with a tiny square at the corner of the stips. The six patch is a pattern made of only six patches. The center square, then one square added to each of the sides and the corners. The pattern is repeated in each block and these blocks are so arranged to form a repeating pattern in the finished quilt.

What shape will you always get when you combine a triangle pattern block and a rhombus pattern block?


What shape you make when you combine a triangle pattern block to a rhombus pattern block?

you get a trapezoid

How do you complete level 76 on 100 Floors?

Drag the wooden squares so that it makes a square pattern then take the wooden block in your inventory and put it in the middle. See related link for screenshots.

If the pattern block trapezoid is the whole what fraction of the whole is the pattern block triangle?

The answer is 1/3.

How many square feet are in a city block?

a square block would be 264 x 1056 = 278,784 square feet, which is equal to 6.4 acres.

How many square miles is block island?

Block Island is about 10 square miles in size.

How many 12 block to a square foot?

Depends on the size of each block.

What is the meaning of the 'Bear's Paw' quilt pattern?

A Bear Paw quilt block is a square block that is made to look like a bear's paw, with claws extended. There may have been regional or time period associations with it at one point, but today it is just a popular block used in quilting.

Does one square block equal one acre?

An acre is 43560 square feet. This is a square parcel of land 208.71 feet on each side. A standard city block measurement was established at 6 city blocks = 1 kilometer. So 1 city block = 546.80665 feet. So an area approximately equal to 4 square acres = one square city block. This would be one half city block wide and one half city block long to approximately equal 209 feet wide and 209 feet long. This is approximate.