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No it is not.

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Q: Is a transformation the same as an isometric transformation?
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What are the difference between isometric transformation and non isometric transformation?

Two examples of isometric transformations: 1. Point reflections 2. Reflections over lines / x-axis / y-axis. Example of a non isometric transformation: 1. Dilations

Difference between isometric view and isometric projection?

I think both are same. There is difference between isometric view and isometric drawing that is of size.

Definition of symmetry shapes?

Isometric shapes means having the same dimension or measurements. A shape that is equal on all sides is isometric.

What is isometric axes?

isometric axes is atlen words taht can be the same to another words like axis]

What is the definition of 'isometric'?

Alt. of Isometrical

What do you call it when all of the SIDES of a shape are the same length?

Isometric shape

What is the crystal shape of magnetite?

Magnetite is in the isometric crystal system where the crystal axes are the same length and at right angles to each other.

What are isometric?

What is isometric exexrcises

What is the type of contraction in which the muscle fibers produce increased tension but does not shorten?

An isometric contraction builds tension but there is no joint movement.

Which transformation is not a rigid transformation?

A rigid transformation means it has the same size and shape so it would be a dilation

What is isometric line?

A line that is isometric

What is the advantage of isometric drawings?

Isometric drawings are drawn to the same scale along all three axes (x,y,z) so are useful for giving a sense of relative dimensions, and three dimensional scale. Measurements can also be taken from the drawings for items that lie along or parallel to an axis.