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No because a regular polygon will only tessellate if its interior angle is a factor of 360 degrees.

For example an equilateral triangle will tessellate because its interior angle is 60 degrees which is a factor of 360 degrees.

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Q: Is it possible to tessellate a plane by using any single type of regular polygon?
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What is an apothem in geometry?

The apothem is the distance from the center to the middle of any side on a regular polygon. That is, a shape with every single side and angle the same.

How many triangles are in an 11 sided polygon?

Any n-sided regular polygon, by joining a single vertex up to each of the others, will have a total of (n - 2) triangles inside. In this case, an 11-sided polygon will contain 11 - 2 = 9 triangles.

What type of geometric figure is formed by the intersection of a line and plane?

a polygon a polygon * * * * * No it is not! If the line is in that plane then it is the whole line. If not, it is a single point.

What is the interior angle of a 12- sided shape?

The total interior angle of a 12 sided polygon is = (12 - 2) 180 degrees = 1800 degrees. The internal angle at each vertex of an regular dodecagon is equal to = = 150 degrees. While the exterior angle at a single vertex is = = 30 degrees. The total exterior angle of a 12 sided polygon is 360 degrees.

Does a polygon only have to have one straight line?

Although a polygon is usually thought of as a two-dimensional figure with at least three sides, there is nothing in the definition of a polygon that prohibits its use for the classification of a one-sided figure. A one-sided figure is known as a henagon or a monogon. A polygon, by definition, has as many vertices as it has sides, so a single-sided polygon would have to, in order to meet that criterion, curve in on itself so that the two ends of the side meet to form a vertex. In order for the polygon to not be curved, it would have to be made up of two straight lines (this figure is known as a digon). So no, a polygon cannot be a single straight line.

Related questions

It's possible to tessellate a plane with?

It is possible to tessellate a plane with squares, triangles, and hexagons. To tessellate something means to cover it with repeated use of a single shape, without gaps or overlapping.

Are uniform tessellation semi-regular?

Sometimes. By definition, a semi-regular tessellation must include more than one type of regular polygon. Some uniform tessellations use more than one type of regular polygon, but many uniform tessellations use only a single regular polygon. Therefore the statement is only sometimes true.

What is the first thing you need to know about the polygon to find its area?

Whether or not it is regular. If it is regular then there is a single formula that can be used. If not, the polygon needs to be split up into triangles or quadrilaterals whose areas will need to be computed individually and then added together.

What is the exterior angle of a 20 side polygon?

The sum of the external angles of any regular polygon is equal to 360. Therefore, a single exterior angle of an icosagon is 360/20 = 18 degrees.

What is the measure of one angle of 14 sided regular polygon?

The sum of the angles in an N sided polygon is 180°(N - 2)The angle of a single angle then would be:180°(N - 2)/N= 180° - 360°/NSo in the case of a 14 sided regular polygon, a single angle would be:180° - 360° / 14= 180° - 180° / 7= 6/7 * 180°= 1080°/7≈ 150.286°

What is an apothem in geometry?

The apothem is the distance from the center to the middle of any side on a regular polygon. That is, a shape with every single side and angle the same.

How many triangles are in an 11 sided polygon?

Any n-sided regular polygon, by joining a single vertex up to each of the others, will have a total of (n - 2) triangles inside. In this case, an 11-sided polygon will contain 11 - 2 = 9 triangles.

What does an interior angle of a regular polygon equal?

The formula for calculating the TOTAL of the interior angles of an n-sided polygon is: Angle Sum = 180 (n-2) degrees So for a regular polygon, each of the identical interior angles will be 180(n-2)/n The equivalent formula is 180 - (360/n), where 360/n is a single exterior angle, supplementary.

Is boxes a polygon?

No, a polygon must be 2 dimensional and lie on a single plane.

What is the measure of an angle of a 27-gon?

The measure of a single internal angle of any regular polygon is equal to 180 (n - 2) / n. Therefore, an internal angle of a regular icosikaiheptagon (27-sided polygon) is equal to 13.3 recurring, or 13 and one third, degrees. It thereby follows that a measure of the external angle of the same polygon is equal to 180 - 13 and one third = 166.6 recurring, or 166 and two thirds, degrees.

How many side does a regular polygon have if the measure of each exterior angle is 450?

There is no such polygon because the interior angle plus the exterior angle of any polygon adds up to 180 degrees because there are 180 degrees on a straight line

How many shapes can you use in a tessellation?

Every triangle will tessellate and, since there are infinitely many possible triangles, there are infinitely many shapes that can be used for tessellation. On the other hand, in any single tessellation you can only use a finite number of shapes.