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A rectangle is by definition a parallelogram. A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with 2 pairs of parallel lines. A rectangle is a parallelogram with 4 equal angles which are 360o/4 = 90o.

The opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal as well. Therefore the following is true.

If one angle is equal to 90o then the opposite angle is 90o. That leaves two angles and 180o. Since the two angles left are equal then they are each 180o/2 which is also 90o.

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Q: Is it true or false that every parallelogram with at least one right angle is a rectangle?
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Every parallelogram is a rectangle true or false?

This is false. Every rectangle is a parallelogram, but the converse (your statement) is not true. Imagine the set of all quadrilaterals (4 sided polygons). Within that set would be sets of kites, parallelograms, and other quadrilaterals. Within the parallelogram set, would be rectangles, rhombuses and other parallelograms. Then if a rhombus is also a rectangle, it would be a square, that would be the intersection of the set of rectangles and set of rhombuses. Hope this helps.

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A parallelogram doesn't necessarily have any perpendicular sides, but it can. If it has one single 90-degree angle, then it has four of them, and it's a rectangle. Apexvs geometry 2nd sem -- false.

Is every rectangle is a parallelogram?

No. A rectangle is a parallelogram because all of its sides are parallel, but a parallelogram is not a rectangle because it does not have all right angles. It is a true statement to say that all rectangles are parallelograms. However, the statement that all parallelograms are rectangles is false. A parallelogram is a shape where its opposite sides are parallel to each other, including squares, hexagons, octagons, etc.

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