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no. the rate of change is undefined.

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Q: Is the rate of change for a vertical line 0?
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What happens when the slope is 3 over 0?

If the slope is 3/0 then the line is vertical (as there is no change in x for some change in y).

Having no slope and having a slope of 0 are the same?

To calculate the slope of a line, we use a ratio that compares the change in y (the rise) to the corresponding change in x (the run). So, m = (Change in y)/(Change in x) = Rise/run, where the change in x cannot be 0. If m > 0, the line is rising from left to right. If m < o, the line is falling from left to right. If m = 0, the line is a horizontal line. This means that the change in y is 0. If the line is vertical, this means that the change in x is 0, and since we cannot divide by 0, the slope of a vertical line is undefined.

The slop of a vertical line is?

the slope of a vertical line is 0.

What is the shape of a line with an infinite slope in economics?

Slope is the change in y (vertical dimension) with the change in x (horizontal dimension). On a Cartesian coordinate system, the slope is equal to infinity for change in x = 0, or a vertical line.

How does the slope of a line represent the rate of change?

Assuming the variables are x (horizontal) and y (vertical), the slope of a straight line is defined as "rise over run". That is, the change in y divided by a change in x. This is exactly what the rate of change in y with respect to x, is. If the line is a curve, the instantaneous slope is defined as the gradient of the tangent to the curve and is the limiting value (as dx tends to 0) of the same measure.

What is the equation of the vertical line that passes through the point 0-4?

The vertical line that passes through the point (0, 4) is the Y-axis. Its equation isX = 0

Why does a horizontal line have a slope of 0?

The slope of a line is defined as the rate of change on the vertical, or y axis, divided by the rate of change on the horizontal, or x axis.This is more commonly expressed as:Δy/ΔxFor example, a diagonal line that lies at a 45° angle relative to the horizontal axis will have a slope of 1/1 = 1.In the case of a horizontal line, it's rate of change on the y axis will be zero, this means that it's slope will be 0/Δx. Zero divided by anything equals zero, so that ends up being the slope of the line.

Slope of a vertical line?

The slope of a vertical line is undefined. Horizontal slope is 0.

If the slope of a line is 0 is the line horizontal or vertical?

if the slope is 0, the line is horizontal.

A graph that is a line has a rate of change?

with y=mx+b dy/dx=m d^2.y/dx^2=0 The rate of change is 0

What is edge speed in electronics?

A voltage is applied to a signal line. The voltage of the line changes gradually from 0 to +V. The "edge speed" is the rate of change of voltage of the line. A voltage is applied to a signal line. The voltage of the line changes gradually from 0 to +V. The "edge speed" is the rate of change of voltage of the line.

When is the slope of a line undefined?

When it is a vertical line (dividing by 0).