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Q: Is there such thing as a shape with 1000000000 sides?
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What is the name of a 1000000000 sided shape?

what is the name of a 1000000000 sided shape?

Is there such thing as a shape with 7 sides?


What is the name of the shape has the most sides?

There is no such thing as the shape with the 'most' sides. No matter how many sides you draw a shape with, somebody else can easily come along and draw a shape with one or two or fifty more sides. The more sides a shape has, the more it gets to look like a circle.

Why there is no such thing as a polygon with two sides?

a polygon means a shape with angles. a two sided shape doesnt exist. you need three sides to make a shape.

What is a 1000000000 sided shape?

To look at it, you could never tell it from a circle.

Does a twenty sided shape have thirty edges?

NO! sides and edges are the same thing

What shape has no parallel sides and adjacent sides equal and diagonals intersect at right angles?

dimond it is the most esayest thing in the world

Which has more vertices a shape with 6 sides of a shape with 7 sides?

A shape with 7 sides.

What is the name of a 1 sided polygon?

There is no such thing, the smallest amount of sides a shape can have is 3 (Triangle).

What is a crystal and how many faces and sides?

A crystal is a polyhedral shape. The number of faces (which means the same thing as sides) depends on the crystal.

What do you call a polygon with 2 equal sides?

There's no such thing as a two-sided polygon. In order for a shape to be a polygon, it has to have at least three sides.

Which has more vertices a shape with 4sides or a shape with 3 sides?

A shape with four sides has four vertices and a shape with three sides has three vertices, so a shape with four sides has more vertices than a shape with three sides.