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False because although the angles are the same the sides are proportional by ratio to each other.

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Q: Is this statement true or false corresponding sides of similar triangles have the same measure?
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If the corresponding side lengths of two triangles are congruent the corresponding angles are also congruent.?

False. The statement should be: If the corresponding side lengths of two triangles are congruent, and the triangles are similar, then the corresponding angles are also congruent.

What are triangles whose corresponding angles are equal and corresponding sides are in proportion?

Similar triangles.

How can similar triangles become congruent triangles?

If they are enlarged or reduced so that their corresponding sides are the same measure. Actually, only one pair of corresponding sides needs to be of the same measure. Then the similarity ensures all others are as well.

What is the term used for the Triangles whose corresponding angles are equal?

They are similar triangles.

Similar triangles are triangles whose corresponding are congruent and whose corresponding sides are proportional in length?


Similar triangles are triangles whose corresponding angles are congruent and whose corresponding sides are in length?


With similar triangles the corresponding angles are equal True or False?

True. With similar triangles the corresponding angles are equal.

Will the lengths of two corresponding altitudes of similar triangles will have the same ratio as any pair of corresponding sides?

It is given that two triangles are similar. So that the ratio of their corresponding sides are equal. If you draw altitudes from the same vertex to both triangles, then they would divide the original triangles into two triangles which are similar to the originals and to each other. So the altitudes, as sides of the similar triangles, will have the same ratio as any pair of corresponding sides of the original triangles.

Are the angle measures of similar triangles different?

for two similar triangles , their corresponding angles are equal.

What is true about corresponding angles and corresponding sides of similar figures?

The ratio between corresponding sides or angles of similar triangles are equal

Are corresponding angles of similar triangles congruent?


Is sss a way to find if triangles are similar?

Triangles are congruent if all three sides in one triangle are congruent to the corresponding sides in the other.When two triangles have corresponding sides with identical ratios, the triangles are similar.Of course if triangles are congruent, they are also similar.