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Bent/ v shape/ triangular with 2 lone electrons

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Q: Name of shape of NH2
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What is the molecular geometry of NH2-?

NH2- is sp3 hybridized and there is 2 bonding and 2 lone pair of electron,that's why shape of NH2 is angular.

What is the name of benzene with an NH2 group?

Aniline is the name of benzene with an NH2 group attached.

What is the name for a molecule with a NH2 and a COOH substituent?

NH2-COOH is the chemical formula of the hypothetical carbamic acid. This group exist in aminoacids, carbamates, urethanes etc.

What is the family name for ch3-nh2?

It belongs to the amine group or family.

What is the compound name for CH3NO?

It is Methanamide with structure: H-(C=O)-NH2

What is the name of an organic compound containing -NH2 group?

The name of an organic compound containing -NH2 group is an amine. Amines are derivatives of ammonia in which one or more hydrogen atoms are replaced by alkyl or aryl groups.

What is the common name for NH2 2CO?

ammonia Edit: NH3 is ammonia not NH2 also NH4 is ammonium. Anything with a base of Nitrogen that isn't ammonia or ammonium, is considered an amine group. These are nitrogen bonded to 2 hydrgens and something else (typically oxygen, carbon, or another nitrogen), but it can bond to other elements.

What are the formulas for the 8 essential amino acids?

Valine: HO2CCH(NH2)CH(CH3)2 Tryptophan: C11H12N2O2 Threonine: HO2CCH(NH2)CH(OH)CH3 Phenylalanine: HO2CCH(NH2)CH2C6H5 Methionine: HO2CCH(NH2)CH2CH2SCH3 Lysine: HO2CCH(NH2)(CH2)4NH2 Leucine: HO2CCH(NH2)CH2CH(CH3)2 Isoleucine: HO2CCH(NH2)CH(CH3)CH2CH3

What is the geometric shape of NH2?

If you are referring to a primary amine (RNH2), the shape of the amine part is pyramidal, unless the R group is aromatic (such as phenylamine), in which case the amine part is planar. If you are referring to the Schiff base (RNH2+), the amine component is also planar. If you are referring to the amide ion (NH2-), this has two lone pairs and is a bent molecule just like water.

Is NH2 an acid?

No, substances containing the -NH2 group are basic. The NH2- ion is extremely basic.

What does the N in -NH2 stand for?

The N in -NH2 stands for nitrogen. The -NH2 group consists of a nitrogen atom bonded to two hydrogen atoms.

What is a scientific name for urea?

The scientific name for urea is carbamide, which is a organic compound with the chemical formula CO(NH2)2.