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Q: Something round at the bottom and pointed at the top?
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In which direction does the thermostat face when re-installing on a 1995 Kia Sephia?

When you look at the thermostate there will be a pointed side on top and a round part on the bottom. the round part goes toward the engine and the pointed part goes toeard the radiator

Name a 3d shape round base and pointed top?


Can a cylinder be anything round?

no it can not be anything round ..a cylinder is something that has two round bases like a soda can which has two round bases top and bottom. its very easy to understand once you get the hang of it

Is the shape of rainrops same as that of teardrops?

When falling, liquid droplets of any kind tend to take on the shape of round at the bottom and pointed at the top (like a Hershy's kiss) due to gravity.

What is round on top and flat on the bottom?

A cone.

What is the pointed part of the lung?

The top pointed tip of the lung is the apex, while the pointed tip on the bottom of the left lung is called the lingula.

Which one is which out of john and edward?

John has pointed ears at the top and Edward has round shaped ears.

A word meaning to rising to pointed top?

The word you are looking for is "tapering." It is used to describe something that narrows or converges towards a pointed end or top.

What term is used to describe something from top to bottom?

The term used to describe something from top to bottom is "vertical."

What are the flat bits at the top and the bottom of the earth called?

The earth is round, due to gravity, so there are no flat bits at the top and bottom.

What are the color on the panama flag?

The colours are red, white and blue. It is divided into 4 equally sized areas. The top left is white with a blue 5 pointed star. The top right is red. The bottom left is blue and the bottom right is white with a red 5 pointed star.

How many round edges does a cylinder have?

a cylinder has 2 round edges 1 on top and 1 on the bottom.