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A cone.

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Q: What is round on top and flat on the bottom?
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What are the flat bits at the top and the bottom of the earth called?

The earth is round, due to gravity, so there are no flat bits at the top and bottom.

Which of these hulls is planing hull round bottom flat bottom multi hull catamaran?

the flat bottom i think

Is the world flat on top and bottom?

Firstly, the Earth is round, so the ocean cannot be flat. Secondly, the Sun and the Moon's gravity are pulling on the ocean surface, causing it to bulge. Thirdly, there are waves and currents in the ocean.

What shape is the pumpkin?

It is round but as a flat part at the bottom

Does a cylinder have flat face?

The top and bottom are normally flat.

Are shark teeth the same shape on the bottom as the top?

no the top is flat and the bottom is pointy

wide handle flat on top and round on bottom quad cane for barriatric patient?

I would try your local hardware store for you barriatric patient.

What does percoset look like?

The ones I just got for a kidney stone causing pain are round, flat on top and bottom and perhaps half the size of a penny.

What is a ring ding chocolate?

A Ring Ding is a little chocolate sold by the Hostess Brands. It is round with a flat top and a bottom. Mostly, it's about three inches in diameter.

Does a cylinder have 2 flat surfaces?

Yes, the top and the bottom.

Are all the surfaces of a cylinder flat?

No, the top and bottom would be flat however the center is rounded.

Why are fingernails round on top and some are flat?

genetics as they say were all special so our geneas pass down some may have flat and some round