Since parallelograms are four sided figures where each pair of opposing sides are parallel, and squares are four sided figures with all sides and angels congruent, then anything which is a square must also be a parallelogram. The statement is therefore false.
tell whether y is the function of x in 2x=y
the x coordinate is always before the y coordinate just like in the alphabet
The length of segment AB (A(2,6), B(0,3)) and CD (C(-1,0), D(1,3)) is the square-root of 13. The two segments are congruent.
you can tell how old a turtle is by counting the squares on their back...
please tell me
It is not clear whether you are looking for the word - which is Holocaust, or whether this is a 'please-tell-me-all-about' question, or both.
These will vary brand to brand. Just look at the packaging, see the total weight. Count the amount of squares per bar. Weight divided by number of squares will tell you the weight per square. Then divide 100 by the weight per square to tell you how many squares you need
Companies can tell if an insurance claim is false by examining details of the claim. They can tell if receipts, statements and doctor notes are fake through their legal teams.
all squares have right angles
No. Squares all have equal sides, rectangles may not.
You tell by knowing the material and studying. If you have kept up with your work, it will be pretty obvious that the answer is true or false unless you have a sneaky teacher who makes really hard test questions.
We can probably solve this if you tell us how many squares there are.
to tell a inaccurate or false statement
sometimes you can but you could lie them down and feel the stomach which normally you would be able to feel something move but i could take time to feel something.