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Subtraction and division.

While 2+ (3+4) = 2+ (4+3), the subtraction 2-(3-4) ≠ 2-(4-3). One yields 3 while the other yields 1.

Similarly, multiplication has this property while division does not.

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Q: The Associative Property does not work for which operations?
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What does Associative Property not work for which operations?

It does not work with subtraction nor division.

What is the associative property of 16 x 6?

16x6 cannot have the associative property. The associative property requires two [identical] operations, applied to 3 variables. There are not enough operations nor variables/numbers in the question.

The Associative Property applies to which operations?


Is associative properties and associative properties of addition the same?

No because the associative property can be found in other operations as well.

What are the definitions of associative property?

The associative property is the property that a * (b * c) = (a * b) * c for any binary operation *. Addition and multiplication are associative, but these are definitely not the only two operations that obey this property.

What operations will the associative property hold true?

The common operations of arithmetic for which it holds are addition and multiplication.

Does associative property work with subtraction?

no it does not

Why doesn't associative property not work for multiplication?

it does

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Why does associative property does not work with subtraction?

Associative property does not work with subtraction because not all numbers can be subtracted and have the same results............

What is it when adding three numbers and regrouping gives the same sum?

It is a result of the associative property of numbers.It is a result of the associative property of numbers.It is a result of the associative property of numbers.It is a result of the associative property of numbers.

What is an of associative property?

It is the property of operations such as addition or multiplication which state that the order in which the operations are carried out does not affect the result. That is, (A + B) + C = A + (B + C) and so, without ambiguity, you can write these as A + B + C.