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Q: The dominant chord is represented by what symbol?
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What is the symbol for homozygous dominant?

The symbol for homozygous dominant is represented by two uppercase letters of the dominant allele, such as "AA" for a dominant genetic trait.

What is dominant and subdominant?

Dominant and sub-dominant refers to notes of a scale. The dominant is the fifth note (represented with a roman numeral, V) of a scale while the sub-dominant is the fourth (IV) note of that scale. For example, in scale of C major, the dominant is G and the sub-dominant is F.The terms dominant ans sub-dominant can also refer to chords, scales or keys. A dominant chord is one that is built on a dominant note. Musically, the dominant chord is considered to be unstable and must be resolved. Therefore, a dominant chord can be used to build tension in a chord progression.Dominant keys refer to the relationship between notes. For instance, key of G is the dominant key relative to C. Music that changes key often shifts between a tonic and its dominant.

What do all imperfect cadences have in common?

A movement from the tonic to the dominant seventh chord.

What a Hendrix chord?

The Hendrix chord typically refers to a Dominant 7th sharp 9 (or 7#9) chord which is simply an extension of a Dominant 7th chord (R,3,5,b7) with an added #9

How is the Italian sixth chord constructed?

The Italian chord is a dominant seventh chord without the fifth of the chord. C E Bb

Why does the major seventh chord belong to the subdominant?

In a major scale the subdominant chord is a major chord,thus the dominant chord is major7.

What is the dominant on A major?

The dominant of A major is the chord: E - G# - B

What is dominant in musical terms?

When working with a scale and chord progressions, each chord used in the scale has a name. The chord built on the first note is the tonic and the chord built on the fifth note is the dominant. It provides a resolution when the music moves from the firth to the first chord. In the key of C, the chord built on the first note, C-E-G, is the tonic chord, and the fifth is based on G-B-D. The dominant is the second most important step in the scale after the tonic.

What is the formula for a dominant 11th chord?

The formula for Dominant 11th chord is: 1st (root) + 5th + b7th + 9th + 11th = Dominant 11th chord example: D11 D + A + C + E + G = D11 (voicing for Am7/D)

In Beethoven Symphony N 1 in C Major the opening starts with a C dominant 7 Chord so does the piece start on the tonic or on the dominant given the name of the chord?

It starts on the tonic and just has the added B flat, making it the dominant 7th chord.

What are the notes of all dominant scales?

There is actually no such thing as a "dominant scale", however you can use the notes of a dominant 7th chord as a scale and that can begin on any note, the dominant 7th chord in C major is G7 and G7 uses all white keys (G, B, D and F), the structure of a dominant 7th chord is the major triad plus the flatted 7th.

What is the secondary dominant of b minor?

The secondary dominant of b minor is a C# major chord.