the first and fourth terms of a proportion are called the means ?
Which sequence? Oh, that one! The first three terms are 1, 2 and 72.
It could be -3 or +3.
The other side of the palm is called the back of the hand.In medical terms it is known as the opisthenar.
Actually, the terms located in the middle of a proportion are called the means. The first and fourth terms are the extremes.
The two outer terms of a proportion are the first term on the left-hand side and the last term on the right-hand side. These terms are usually compared to determine if they are in the same relationship as the two inner terms.
The two outer terms of a proportion are known as extremes. These are the limits of a range of possibilities.
Yes, he served three consecutive terms and was elected to a fourth term but died during the first year of his fourth term.
this is the outermost terms this is ''extremes''
Delaware was the first and Georgia was the fourth state to join the Union.
First Noble Truth, Second Noble Truth, Third Noble Truth and Fourth Noble Truth are the terms of enlightenment in each religion.
FDR was elected president four times but died of a stroke before finishing his fourth term