Actually, the terms located in the middle of a proportion are called the means. The first and fourth terms are the extremes.
Compound proportion refers to a mathematical relationship between two ratios where multiple quantities are compared. It involves comparing multiple ratios involving more than two quantities in a proportional relationship.
The two metals found in the outer core is Iron & Nickel
The terms "outer planet" and "inner planet" are only used for planets. Pluto is not a planet, and it orbits beyond the outer planets.
In life-wise terms, no.
The two outer terms of a proportion are known as extremes. These are the limits of a range of possibilities.
FOIL. First terms Outer terms Inner terms Last terms
the first and fourth terms of a proportion are called the means ?
Actually, the terms located in the middle of a proportion are called the means. The first and fourth terms are the extremes.
Use the "F-O-I-L" Method when multiplying two binomials. F-O-I-L stands for First, Outer, Inner, Last. Multiply the first terms together, then the outer terms, the inner terms, and the last terms.
this is the outermost terms this is ''extremes''
... a proportion.... a proportion.... a proportion.... a proportion.
1/3 of the senate is turned over every 2 years.